Enrollment Key:- forest

Course Information

Course: Forest Management

Total: 5 hours/week               Year: III            Lecture: 3 hours/week             Lab: 2 hours/week 

Tutorial: hours/week                                                                                        Practical: hours/week    

Course Description

Forest management is the subject of this course. This course emphasizes forest planning principles and gives basic knowledge and abilities in core concepts of forest management and their consequences in forest planning and operations (such as sustained yield, growing stock, site quality, rotation age, and annual allowable cut). In general, the course prepares students to write a forest management plan for long-term forest management.

Course Objectives

Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:

  • demonstrate understanding of the defined scope, logic, and principles of forest management
  • demonstrate an understanding of forest product demand and supply
  • understand the use and non-use value of forest
  • understand forest product valuation
  • demonstrate an understanding of forest product marketing and business plan for Forest-Based Micro Enterprises
  • demonstrate understanding of forest management plans
  • prepare a management plan for a given forest area

 Author’s Information

  • Pitamber Gaire (B.Sc. Forestry, AFU)
  • Forestry Instructor, TPI, Chitlang
  • Email: pitambergaire3@gmail.com
  • Cell: +977-9847459198

Review Team

  • Er. Umesh Aryal (Principal, TPI)
  • Er. Ramnath Lamsal (Vice-principal, TPI)
  • Mr. Santosh Ghimire (Assistant Instructor, TPI)