Course Introduction
Course Description:
This course provides basic knowledge on importance feasibility, Cultivation, variety, marketing & industries of tea, coffee and spices in Nepal. It’s including composition, different processing methods & quality parameters of tea, coffee & spices. Processing technology of tea, cherry coffee & parchment coffee size grading, packaging & storage of tea & coffee. Also includes Quality evaluation, including cup testing sensory evaluation, detection of adulterations of tea, coffee & spices. Also provide chemical composition, processing, drying storage extraction of essential oil & oleoresin of different spices of Nepal. This course also provides basic knowledge on management and utilization of tea, coffee and spices with better quality during glut season. Both the theory and practical knowledge of technology help the students to develop more confidence.
Course Objectives:
This course will be delivered course objectives the students with broad objective to make them capable to knowledge & skill on basic processing, packaging storage, quality evaluation of tea coffee & major spices.
The specific objectives are as follows:-
- Provide the basic knowledge on cultivation, variety, production & industries of tea, coffee spices in Nepal.
- Provide the skill & technique for processing of tea, cherry & parchment coffee & different major spices produce in Nepal.
- Provide the skills technique for drying and dehydration of different major spices.
- Provide the skills for storage & packaging of tea, coffee & spices. Provide the knowledge of detection of adulteration & quality parameter.
- Develop the skill in extraction of oleoresin & essential oil of major spices of Nepal.
- To provide the knowledge of value added product development.
- Upon completion of this course, students are able to work in small industries of tea, coffee and spices and also capable to conduct their own small scale industry.
Course Author/eTLM Developer:
Mr. Lok Raj pant
Food & Dairy Instructor M.Tech. (Food)
Sahid Krishnasen polytechnical Institute, Dang
- Teacher: Lokraj pant